Articles with Tag(s): "diverters"

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Main Fittings and Accessories for Your Rainwater Tank System

June 15, 2018
In addition to your rainwater tank, there are other plumbing parts and accessories you will need to set up. If you are installing a rainwater tank for the first time in a new home, then chances are you will have little to no idea about what you need. This article will help you understand the […]
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How To Efficiently Collect Clean Rainwater With Diverters

June 15, 2018
The traditional system of harvesting rainwater generally consists of a gutter attached to a roof that channels rainwater into a storage tanks. One innovation to this basic system is the downpipe diverter. This device functions by directing the first litres of dirty rainwater into a water chamber. This chamber normally holds about 8-15 litres of […]

Different Water Diverters Used in Rainwater Harvesting Systems

June 14, 2018
If you are installing a rainwater harvesting system, ensuring you have high-quality clean water is essential to the health of everyone that uses it. To make sure that the water going into your storage tank is the highest quality it can be, you can use water diverters. Diverters separate contaminated ‘first-flush’ water from fresh, clean rainwater which […]
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What are Wet Rainwater Harvesting Systems?

June 14, 2018
Wet rainwater harvesting systems can provide an aesthetically pleasing solution to your rainwater collection needs. With a little careful planning, they can provide a plentiful source of high-quality drinking water. In this article, we explain how wet systems work, the advantages of wet systems and how to ensure the system remains clean and robust. What […]