Articles with Tag(s): "rotathene"

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Rotathene® SUPA UV Poly Tanks: Stress Testing Rainwater Tanks in Extreme Environments

June 15, 2018
Rotathene® SUPA UV Rotathene® SUPA UV provides superior protection for rotomoulded products by incorporating advanced additive technology. Traditionally a UV8 level of stabilisation has been considered the minimum required for good long term protection in Australia. This is the level specified in the Australian Tanks Standard, AS/NZS4766:2006. As seen in our article, Testing Poly Tank UV […]
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Rotathene® SUPA UV – Making Tanks Built to Last

June 15, 2018
What is SUPA UV? Rotathene® provides a much higher level of protection against the Sun than the required industry standard for poly tanks. It is referred to as “SUPA UV” for this reason. Rotathene® SUPA UV provides superior protection for rotomoulded products by incorporating advanced additive technology to last 4.5 times more than the Australian […]
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Testing Poly Tank Sun Protection: Rotathene SUPA UV Polyethylene

June 14, 2018
What is SUPA UV? Rotathene® provides a much higher level of protection against the Sun than the required industry standard for poly tanks. It is referred to as “SUPA UV” for this reason. Traditionally a UV8 level of stabilisation has been considered the minimum required for good long term protection in Australia. This is the […]